Below is a step by step guide to fitting a new LCD of almost any kind.
Note the 3 main versions of game gear in the photo below
VA 1 = revisions 837-9130 / 837-9024 / 837- 8560
VA0 = revisions 837-7996 / 837-7719-01
VA4 and 5 are not compatible with new LCDs
First remove unneeded components
Green = Fluorescent light parts
Red = brightness control parts for original LCD
- Old lcd
- FL
- L2
- R29/R56
- R29/R57
- fu1
- fu2
- Q2 (if fitted)
- r34
- r33
- r32
- c34/c44
- q6
- r38
- r41
- r43
- r44
Optional parts to remove
These parts are not powered anymore with the parts above being removed so you may leave them unless you want to remove them to make a little fluorescent light with the parts like me :)
- c33/c70
- q3
- q4
- c32/c69
- t1
- c70
- c71
- c44/c54 0.45uF
- c45/c55 0.45uF
- c35/c45 4.7uF
New wire connections
McWill and FunPlaying LCD connections
- t10 to t11
- t2 to LCD Csync
- CN1 pin16 and 18 to LCD gnd
- CN1 pin35 to LCD VCC
- CN1 pin42 to LCD GG/SMS
- LCD ribbon pin9 to LCD CL2
- LCD ribbon pin16 to LCD D1
- LCD ribbon pin18 to LCD D0
- LCD ribbon pin 20 to LCD DW
- LCD ribbon pin 39 to LCD D2
- LCD ribbon pin 57 to LCD D3
- FB1 to LCD CLK
- left of c29 to LCD but 1
- right of c30 to LCD but 2
- bottom of c28 to LCD but 3
Extra connections for McWill V2
- VR1 top pin to Vcc 5v
- VR1 second pin from top to LCD Backlight
- VR1 third pin from top to GND 0 v
Extra connections for McWill V3.1 and Chinese 3.1 LCD
- VR1 top pin to LCD PL1
- VR1 second pin from top to LCD PL2
Retrosix Clean screen pins
Notes. The D numbers on the back of the Clean screen are wrong. The D number after the ":" are the correct values.
- D0 to R57/R16 or to pin on ribbon 39 : D2
- D1 to R56/R15 or to pin on ribbon 18: D0
- D2 to R55/R14 or to pin on ribbon 57 : D3
- D3 to R54/R13 or to pin on ribbon 16: D1
- SMS to R31/R23 or to CN1 pin 42
- 2 to left of C29/C37
- Start to right of C30/C38
- Left to C26/C34
- Vsync to ribbon pin 20
- Hsync to ribbon pin 9
- t10 to t11
- Wheel or BL to middel pins on the contrast wheel